ADO.Net Interview Question and Answers

21. What is the difference between OLEDB Provider and SqlClient ?
  SQLClient .NET classes are highly optimized for the .net / sqlserver combination and achieve optimal results. The SqlClient data provider is fast. It's faster than the Oracle provider, and faster than accessing database via the OleDb layer.
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22. What is the use of Parameter Object?
  In ADO Parameter object provides information about a single parameter used in a stored procedure or query.
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23. What is DataAdapter?
  DataSet contains the data from the DataAdapter which is the bridge between the DataSet and Database. DataAdapter provides the way to retrieve and save data between the DataSet and Database. It accomplishes this by means of request to the SQL Commands made against the database.
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24. What does ADO mean?
  ADO stands for ActiceX Data Objects.It was introduced few years ago as a solution to accessing data that can be found in various forms, not only over a LAN but over the internet. It replaced the data access technologies RDO(Remote Data Objects) and DAO (Data Access Objects).
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25. Name some ADO.NET Objects?
  • Connection Object
  • DataReader Object
  • Command Object
  • DataSet Object
  • DataAdapter Object
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