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Which brings greater success in life – Hardwork or Intelligence?


  • All successful people in the world could achieve their greatness only because of hard work. However intelligence one be, only hard work pays. In fact, there is no substitute for hard work. No matter how intelligent a man may be, unless he moves his little finger, he cannot accomplish anything, for mere intelligence unaccompanied by matching action can lead us nowhere. The reason why we Indians could not rise to the great heights of which we are capable is that our intelligent leaders sway us through their glib speeches but neither they nor we execute the high sounding plans and promises.

  • In our quest for more and more knowledge we have become intellectual giants but when it comes to acting we behave like dwarfs who cannot exert much because of their tiny size.

  • We have the example of ants before us. They are very intelligent and have even developed a great civilisation which is far ahead of us considering their small size they grow crops and insects for milking them, have spirit of unselfishness, mutual cooperation and charity, wage wars and make slaves but their warrior chiefs become so lazy and lethargic that they feed them as we do the children. The same is the case with us. Once we have a plenty of money and servants, we become so dependent on them that we forget to do even our daily and routine work.

  • Intelligence has no doubt provided us with machines to do our odd jobs, but the end result is that we have become their slaves. We do not want to use, our legs to go to our places of work even at a stone's throw, but do not mind waiting for hours at the bus stop for a bus.

  • Nobody has ever complained that hard work does not pay. But the problem today is that we lay too much stress on intelligence and too little on hard work.


  • Man is the most intelligent of all creatures on planet Earth. Using his intelligence he can reduce hard work by half. On the other hand, hard work bereft of potential. We have the example of hard working, but intelligent labourers who, inspite of their lifelong hard work, find it difficult to make ends meet, let alone collect enough money to provide for their other requirements and liabilities.

  • Where hard work fails, intelligence easily takes one through hurdles. Those having great intelligence can do far better if they have a little hard work too than those relying mostly on hard work and just a little intelligence. This is exemplified by the son and daughters of rich parents who achieve far greater success in life because they get higher ties. The sons and daughters of the poor parents, on the other hand, for all their hard work do not allow them to receives higher education and forces them to use their time and energy to provide for themselves and the family.

  • Nature provides the clue to the role of intelligence. The entire universe is a manifestation of intelligence for, our perfect solar system with planets, galaxies and constellations all very well organized and systematised could not have come about of its own without some intelligent force controlling it.

  • The very purpose and object of conducting interviews and Personality tests is to judge the intelligence of a candidate.

  • The very fact that we have to hold competitive examinations to select the right type of candidates to man important and executive positions in the government, business, medicine and engineering goes to prove how important intelligence.

  • All our inventions and discoveries could be made only by intelligent people who lived and dreamt beyond their present existence and had creativity in their minds. On the other hand, the vast laboring class that engages in only hard work does not apply its mind or intelligence is a mere cog in the wheel of civilisation.

  • This class of people cannot be expected to achieve anything creative and, hence cannot be assigned any executive position to make any worthwhile contribution to the progress of civilsation.

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