Oracle Dba Interview Question and Answers

101. How are sequences useful?
  Sequences are useful because they provide a mechanism to generate a unique sequence of numbers quickly with reduced locking on the database.
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102. How many types of cloning are available?
    There are two types of cloning methods available for Oracle Applications.
  • Adclone
  • Rapidclone
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103. What is full backup?
  A full backup is a backup of all the datafiles, control files and SPFILE.
A full backup can be made with RMAN or the operating system commands while the database is open or closed.As a rule, you must perform full backup, if your database is not running in the archive log mode.
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104. What is DataBase Writer(DBWR)?
  DBWR is a background process that writes changed data blocks from buffer cache to the datafile. The changed data blocks are called dirty blocks.
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105. What is LoGWRiter(LGWR)?
  LGWR is the background process that writes redo information from redo log buffers to the log files.
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