Java Multithreading Question and Answers

37. What is the difference in using runnable and extends in threads?
  • Thread is a class and Runnable is an interface in java.
  • If a class is not extending another class we can use either extending Thread class or implementing Runnable interface.
  • If our class is already extending another class we can't extend Thread class because java doesn't support multiple inheritance so we have left only one choice that is implementing Runnable interface.
  • When you extend a thread each of your threads has a unique object associated with it, whereas with Runnable, many threads share the same object instance.
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38. What is semaphore?
  Semaphore is an object which helps two threads to communicate with one another in order to synchronize there operation.
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39. What is wait() and notify()?
  • By using wait() and notify(), a thread can give up its hold on a lock at an arbitrary point, and then wait for another thread to give it back before continuing.
  • By executing wait () from a synchronized block, a thread gives up its hold on the lock and goes to sleep.
  • Later, when the necessary event happens, the thread that is calls notify() from a block synchronized on the same object.
  • Now the first thread wakes up and begins trying to acquire the lock again.
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40. Can you explain Yielding in threading?
  It causes the currently executing thread object to temporarily pause and allow other threads to execute.
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