Java Servlets Question and Answers

21. What are the objects that are received when a Servlet accepts a call from Client?
  • The objects are ServletRequest and ServletResponse. The ServletRequest encapsulates the communication from the client to the server.
  • While ServletResponse encapsulates the communication from the servlet back to the client.
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22. How to track a user session in Servlets?
  The interface HTTPSession can be used to track the session in the Servlet. Following code can be used to create session object in the Servlet: HTTPSession session = req.getSession(true).
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23. Which are the different ways you can communicate between servlets?
    Below are the different ways of communicating between servlets:-
  • Using RequestDispatcher object.
  • Sharing resource using "ServletContext()" object.
  • Including response of the resource in the response of the servlet.
  • Servlet chaining.
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24. Why HTTP protocol called as a stateless protocol?
  A protocol is stateless if it cannot remember difference between one client request and the other. HTTP is a stateless protocol because each request is executed independently without any knowledge of the requests that came before it.
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