Oracle Packages Interview Question and Answers

25. How can you implement fine grained auditing?
  Oracle has provided a package called dbms_fga to implement fine grained auditing. It contains the following procedures.
  • Add_policy
  • Drop_policy
  • Enable_policy
  • Disable_policy
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26. How can you manage optimizer statistics?
  • You can manage optimizer statistics through the dbms_stats package.
  • This package offers multiple functions or procedures to gather, modify and remove statistics.
  • Statistics stored in the dictionary have an impact on the cost based optimizer. You can also use the dbms_stats procedure to gather statistics in parallel.
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27. How can you schedule a job in database?
  You can use the dbms_scheduler package to create and schedule a database job.
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28. Name some of the procedures available in the dbms_application_info package?
  The procedures available in the dbms_application_info package are set_module, sect_action, read_module, set_client_info, read_client_info and set set_session_longtops.
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