Oracle RAC Questions and Answers

41. What are the performance views in an Oracle RAC environment?
  • Oracle offers dynamic performance views which are called v$ views. These views are available in a single instance as well as RAC databases.
  • However, these views contain information about current instance only. The global version of these views is called gv$ views.
  • These views collate information from the v$ view on each node in RAC and provide comprehensive information for all the nodes from a single node.
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42. What are the benefits that RAC providers?
  • In a RAC set up, a single database is accessible through multiple nodes; therefore, even if one node is down, database is still available through another node.
  • Another benefit of RAC is scalability. You can add another node to an existing RAC database very easily.
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43. What is the use of LCKO?
  LCKO is lock process, which is used to manage requests for shared resources.
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44. Which parameters should be set while starting up the ASM instance?
  You need to set the Cluster_DATABASE and INSTANCE_TYPE parameters while starting up the ASM instance.
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