Oracle RAC Questions and Answers

5. What components are shared in RAC?
  A RAC setup shares datafiles, control files, SP files, redo log files; therefore, these files must be stored in the cluster aware shared storage.
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6. What is the use of Atomic Controlfile Memory Service (ACMS)?
  ACMS ensures global updates to System Global Area (SGA) in a RAC set up.
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7. What is the use of Lock Monitor process?
  • It manages global resources and locks. It configures locks and resources whenever an instance joins or leaves the cluster.
  • It is also called Global Enqueue Service Monitor.
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8. What is the use of Lock Monitor Process?
  • It manages global resource and locks.
  • It configures locks and resources whenever an instance joins or leaves the cluster.
  • It is also called Global Enqueue Service Monitor.
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