Oracle SQL Loader Interview Question and Answers

9. How can you load multi line records?
  • You can use the CONCATENATE or CONTINUEIF function to join multiple physical records to form a single logical record.
  • However, CONTINUEIF is used if a condition indicates that multiple records should be treateed as one. For example, a # character in the first column.
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10. How can you get SQL*Loader to commit only at the end of the load file?
  You cannot ensure a commit only at the end of the load file but you can increase the value of ROWS parameter to ensure the commit after certain number of rows.
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11. Can you selectively load only those records that you need?
  Yes, you can use the WHEN clause to specify the selection criteria. However, it does not allow you to use the OR clause; instead, you can only use the AND clause.
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12. How does SQL*Loader handles newline characters in a record?
  SQL*Loader expects a record to be in a single line; therefore, whenever it encounters a newline character in a record, it treats the record as a new record and either throws an error bases on the constraints of a table or inserts erroreous records without throwing any error.
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