Arithmatical - Logarithms
Important Facts and Formulae
1. | Logarithm : If a is a positive real number, other than 1 and am = x, then we write m = loga x and we say that the value of log x to the base a is m. Examples : 1. 103 1000 = log10 1000 = 3. |
2. | Common Logarithms : Logarithms to the base 10 are known as common logarithms. |
3. | Properties of Logarithms : 1. loga(xy) = loga x + loga y 2. loga(x / y) = loga x - loga y 3. logx x = 1 4. loga 1 = 0 5. loga (xp) = p(loga x ) 6. loga x = 1 / logxa |