Datastage Interview Question and Answers

21. What are Routines?
  Routines are the functions which we develop in BASIC Code for required tasks, which we Datastage is not fully supported (Complex).
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22. What are the Job parameters?
  These Parameters are used to provide Administrative access and change run time values of the job.EDIT > JOBPARAMETERSIn that Parameters Tab we can define the name,prompt,type,value.
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23. What is the difference between Hashfile and Sequential File?
  Hash file stores the data based on hash algorithm and on a key value. A sequential file is just a file with no key column. Hash file used as a reference for look up. Sequential file cannot.
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24. What is the use of datastage designer?
  A design interface used to create DataStage applications(known as jobs). Each job specifies the data sources, the transforms required, and the destination of the data. Jobs are compiled to create executables that are scheduled by the Director and run by the Server.
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25. Explain Datastage architecture?
    Datastage contains two components :
    Client Components :
  • Datastage Designer
  • Datastage Director
  • Datastage Manager
  • Datastage Administrator
  • Server components :
  • Repository
  • Datastage Server
  • Datastage Package Installer
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