Informatica Interview Question and Answers

91. What is difference between ER Modeling and Dimensional Modeling?
  • ER Modeling is used for normalizing the OLTP database design.
  • Dimesional modeling is used for de-normalizing the ROLAP / MOLAP design.
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92. What is the advantage of Lookup persistent cache?
  When Lookup cache is saved in Look up Transformation It is called persistent cache. The first time session runs it is saved on the disk and utilized in subsequent running of the Session. It is used when the look up table is Static i.e. doesn’t change frequently.
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93. What are all the types of dimensions?
  • Informational Dimension
  • Structural Dimension
  • Categorical Dimension
  • Partitioning Dimension
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94. Which transformation should u need while using the cobol sources as source defintions?
  Normalizer transformaiton which is used to normalize the data.Since cobol sources are oftenly consists of Denormailzed data.
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95. How many ways you create ports?
  • Drag the port from another transforamtion.
  • Click the add buttion on the ports tab.
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