Group Discussion Related Topics

Should we have co-education in our educational institutions or not?

Yes, we should:-

  • Boys and girls educated in co-educational institutions shows a spirit of healthy competition to produce better results on both personal and social level.
  • Girls learn to shake off their over tenderness and work shoulder to shoulder with boys. They become darling and excel in both studies and sports.
  • Recent examples show that a good number of girls educated in co-educational institutions fare much better in competitive examinations for higher jobs and occupy high posts, both within and outside the country.
  • From the point of view of the spirit of democracy and our Constitution, co-education is the most effective way of bringing about social and democratic equalization between both the sexes.
  • For a poor but populous country like ours which has world's largest number of illiterates, the best and the cheapest way of spreading literacy and education far and wide through co-education.
  • Our total literacy mission and free and compulsory primary education for all can be a success only if we go in for co-education- thus using our scarce resources judiciously and with quicker results.
  • Understanding of sex and its problems has today become basic to any proper education. Boys and girls in co-educational institutions get to know each other better.
  • Co-educational institutions enable both boys and girls to get rid of social and psychological inhibitions, if any. If their inborn sense of modesty and shyness is not removed at the schooling level itself, if it is most likely to become a great hindrance to their professional progress in later years.
  • The presence of girls in co-educational institutions has a sobering effect on the minds and morals of boys. They learn to behave themselves. They avoid abusing others, or using foul language in the presence of girls.
  • Thus a family atmosphere is created where life and study go on with respect for each other. On the other hand, in segregated schools rowdyism, mutual quarrels and indiscipline is a common occurrence.

No we shouldn't:-

  • Attraction of opposite sex is very great during college days. If we introduce or encourage co-education there, it is bound to encourage promiscuity and pre-marital sexual relations because both boys and girls who are sex starved cannot resist the temptation of sexual pleasure.
  • In most of the advanced countries we witness the phenomena of even us teenage mothers. Therefore, in order to save the virginity of our young girls so that they may enjoy a happy, respectable and customary married life we should avoid exposing them to the hazards of co-education.
  • In co-educational institutions considerable time and money of both boys and girls is wasted on dressing so as to attract attention of the opposite sex for admiration and dating.
  • Not only this, teachers too sometimes get involved with their students and give rise to scandals. Thus, whole college environment is affected badly and, at times, instead of being temples of education they turn into den of vices. Therefore, we should not press for co-education in our educational institutions.
  • Co-education is not advisable from the point of view of different requirements of both the sexes. While girls should be taught only those subjects that equip them intellectually to take up jobs or professions as per their temperament, like stino-typing, teaching, nursing, etc., the boys mostly need subject that help them in becoming doctors, engineers, executives, politicians, etc.
  • If we teach them the same subjects and adopt the same approach of teaching either of the two is sure to suffer for their education has to be of a matching character. Therefore, co education does not prove to be that practical.
  • It becomes very embarrassing for both the teachers and the girls when subjects having a bearing on sex such as biology, physiology, etc. are taught in the class because it is not possible to teach them in a chaste language, it is bound to be libidinous.
  • No such embarrassment is caused in segregated institutions because students of the same sex take it lightly and indifferently. Co-education often robs the girls of their modesty and joyness the very badger of their woman hood. They often become so audacious and arrogant that their families and friends get fed up with them and leave them alone.
  • To avoid desertion and spinsterhood, girls are expected to compromise and yield their so called superiority to their husband otherwise they are bound to suffer heavily in their old age.
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