Group Discussion Related Topics

Is war Inevitable?

Points in favour:-

  • War maintains a fine balance in the world. Whatever is old and useless is destroyed. Even growing population is checked and efforts are made to enhance the quality of life for those who survive.
  • A war is imposed due to the evil designs of others tends to unite a divided nation for it creates a sense of honour and national spirit which are a must for a nation's progress.
  • Since all nations are engaged in manufacturing or procuring ever deadlier weapons of mass destruction and suspicion about other's intentions help increased, the danger of war has increased several times.
  • The history of mankind is the history of war. Just as we witness struggle for survival in nature where the fittest survive- germs fight in the air and in the blood of human beings.
  • The desire to dominate others led the U.S.A., former USSR, Germany, France, Britain, etc. to make tremendous advancement in space research, science and technology.

Points Against:-

  • Modern science and technology has enabled men to live a secure and comfortable life. Instead of enmity, belligerency and confrontations of the past, it is cooperation, harmony and peace that he cherishes now.
  • Man now is interested in economic development rather than in its destruction or disruption by war. Nations in the world have formed their regional groupings for regional cooperation like European Union. NAFTA,(North America Free Trade Area), ASEAN, SAARC, etc. in such a climate of cooperation and amity, chances of war recede to the background.
  • Nothing is inevitable in the world. So is the case with war, for man being a rational animal and the master of his destiny he would naturally like to live in peace with his fellow beings.
  • Now, with spread of education and march of civilisation on a large scale, the likelihood of war is diminishing in the world.
  • Modern wars affect both the victors and the vanquished in a good measure. Therefore, howsoever strong a nation may be, it thinks twice before going to war. Therefore, a war is no longer inevitable in today's world.
  • People around the world have come to realise that it is corrupt, inefficient and self seeking political leaders in the third world countries, who have a stake in perpetuating war to cling to power, are the cause of proxy wars or low intensity conflicts.
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