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What is desirable love marriage or arranged marriage?

In favour of love marriage:-

  • Love marriage may have its defects as well, but we must admit that it has come to stay. Today educational facilities have spread and are easily and equally available to girls, too.

  • Young people should be allowed to choose their own partners because nature has so made them that upon reaching the age of consent young boys and girls feel naturally attracted towards the member of opposite sex whom they find to be Mr. Right or Miss Right for themselves.

  • Love is the main factor those behinds two individuals. It has been praised by saints and poets alike. Therefore, love marriage have more chances of success because there is pre-marital understanding between the would be couples. If the love is given way to and the latter is taken care of, love marriages succeed as nothing else.

  • Therefore, boys and girls are getting more and more free in the choice of their children's happiness.

  • In arranged marriages, parents are not in a position to know the girl well enough – that is, they may not be aware of her personality traits that are a paramount importance for such lifelong relationships.

  • In arranged marriages, we generally get to know about the family background and outward appearance of the girl or the boy, their educational attainments, career plans, etc.

In favour of arranged marriage:-

  • In arranged marriages boys and girls are weighed in their totality. Their family background, character, temperament, compatibility all are taken into consideration, for marriage is supposed to be a union of two families and not just two individuals.

  • Naturally, girls coming from families which cherish harmonious relationship are more likely to make better wives than those coming from broken homes. The latter may have their own psychological problems.

  • The much talked of understanding in love marriages is not so easy to have when the two meet for the first time because love takes place at "first sight" and not after due deliberation. More over love marriages mainly result in divorce or are the cause of quarrels with parents and thus unpleasantness in relationships. As against them, arranged marriages are based on more solid foundations.

  • Here, experienced people have their way and they naturally choose a partner who is sure to prove more faithful, devoted, mature and of predictable behavior. Therefore, we should go in for arranged marriages to enjoy real marital bliss.

  • Arranged marriages are always preferable to love marriages. Parents are more rational, mature and experienced to deal with such matters and they are always capable of selecting suitable life partners for their children.

  • Love being blind, young people usually does not give a thought to the suitability and compatibility of their love.

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