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Who are preferable for parent's sons or daughters?

Sons are preferable :-

  • Sons carry forward the family name and dynasty of the parents while daughters join families, i.e., that of their husbands, and thus perpetuate their genealogical tree. Without a son a family terminates with the death of a couple. To avoid this from happening they do everything possible to have or even adopt one as a last resort.

  • The education of sons is both the cheaper and with wider scope from the point of view of jobs or employment. They can take up even rough and tough jobs. Girls, on the contrary require more money on their education, while openings in job market are relatively few for them.

  • During emergencies of war or danger, sons come forward to protect the family while daughters themselves need protection.

  • Parents are well looked after in their old age by their sons. Even otherwise sons ensure necessary comfort and support to their parents. Most of the civilizations in the world put premium of sons.

  • The upbringing of sons is easier than that of daughters. They prove to be very productive and profitable no matter how less we spend on their education, clothing and other requirements. While daughters require to be carefully nurtured. Their clothing and cosmetics cost more. They become a financial burden to those middle class families that allow them to be in step with modem fashion even at school or college, and later, at the level of society at large.

  • A son is considered an asset because his earning goes to the family and he fetches a handsome dowry to boot. While a daughter is regarded as a great liability because one, a lot of money has to spend on her marriage, and second even if she is employed all her earnings goes to the family of her husband.

Daughters are preferable :-

  • There are several examples in our society where boys upon their marriage, leave their parents home and start living separately with their wives and children.

  • The argument that boys prove to be more helpful to their parents in their old age than girls is not borne out by facts.

  • There has occurred a perceptible change in society's outlook on girls. Modern education and western ideas have made people to make no difference between boys and girls.

  • In the sphere of education we find girls showing more devotion, more dedication and even better academic results than boys. Boys are easily tempted by restaurants, fast food joint chasing girls, movies and several other means of entertainment and therefore, devotes less time to their studies.

  • It is not right to say that marrying a girl is more difficult than a boy. In fact, in our modern age, both the sexes have equal freedom which enables girls to join any profession and earn handsomely. In such a situation, a would be husband prefers qualities, such as education, accomplishments, beauty and a well employed girl instead of a girl whose father promises a lot of dowry.

  • It is wrong to hold that only boys can carry forward the genealogical tree. We find matriarchal societies in Africa and even in South India where the family name is passed on through daughter, instead of the sons

  • In South India, especially Kerala, it is daughter who owns all the property. However, as per the law of our country, both boys and girls enjoy equal rights in distribution of property, it no larger is a controversial subject.

  • Fashion has to affected us all that there is no difference between boys and girls as far as expenditure on their clothes and cosmetics is concerned.

  • Even boys spend more on these items while girls are very economical by nature and more reasonable in their demands from parents. Boys use their clothes so roughly that they get worn out soon and need to be replenished frequently. They even tear them in street brawls.

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