Group Discussion Related Topics
Which Life do you prefer – Rural or Urban?

Rural Life:-
- Ruralites live a natural life. In cities, one has to eat adulterated or junk food. Not so in villages. There, they eat fresh and pure food. Pure air keeps them in good health.
- Population in villages being sparse, their houses are spacious, airy, full of light and cheap.
- Moreover, while one has to bear a very high cost of living in cities, in villages, needs and wants being limited, one can lead a happy life within one's small means. Villages are so full of greenery and bounties of nature that city dwellers get naturally attracted to them.
- It is here that one gets real solace in the midst of large green fields, meadows, quiet atmosphere and simple minded, artless people. Therefore, rural life is definitely preferable to the urban life.
- Pollution is yet another cause of diseases. Village life, on the other hand, puts a premium on calm, leisurely existence.
- City life, because of industralisation, commercialization, trade and huge construction industry is full of crimes.
- As against urban life which is full of pollution - water, air and noise - the people in villages enjoy a pollution free life in the midst of nature.
Urban Life:-
- Cities not only have a lot of people who are cultured, educated and well mannered, they also satisfy our social instincts by providing us the opportunity to interact with other likeminded people. Where there are so many people, life becomes a constant enjoyment.
- While employment opportunities in rural areas are limited to agriculture and other allied sectors only, in cities, the sky is the limit to get gainful employment in industries, business, offices, transportation system, and educational institutions and even in independent service sector.
- Lives in villages in monotonous but urban centres are always bubbling with a variety of activities. Headquarters of a sub division or a district or a state are located in cities only and they are the controlling centres of administration. Therefore urban life is naturally preferable to the rural life.
- The reason why our villagers could not progress satisfactorily even after 55 years of Independence is that they lack even minimum educational facilities. Urban centre's, on the other hand, have all the facilities for even higher and quality education. Apart from colleges and universities, there are also medical and engineering colleges in the cities.