Most-Commonly asked HR interview questions for Freshers

What Are Your Major Weaknesses?

You must be prepared to answer this trick question. If you answer the question as it is asked, you could easily damage your chances of getting the job. By trying to throw you off guard, the employer can see how you might react in similar tough situations on the job. A good step one can take to improve a weakness is to read self-help books on the subject.

Girikumar reddy, says Oct 01, 2014
Good evening sir, My great weakness is if I start any work I cont leave that in middle if not possible.
Monu, says Sep 23, 2014
My weakness is less speaking but i am ready to learn anywhere.
Varun joshi, says Sep 13, 2014
From my point of view weakness word only kills the person no one have any weakness but the have inner fear which becomes hurdle for there succes until u will not practice something u will become weaker and weaker.
Punitha, says Dec 19, 2013
Sir, my weakness is I speak more but it is useful.
Hariom sharma, said May 23, 2013
Well, Sir I am too much optimistic and all my friends shouts on me that you come to class early and because of you we also have to come early.
Hazi, said May 23, 2013
I feel nervous if my coworkers were not reaching their goal in time and i am workaholic that is until i get completion of my work i felt asleep.
Indra reddy, said May 15, 2013
My weakness is iam trying to learn every thing . And i do not have a good communication skills.
Vijay Wakade, said May 5, 2013
Some times i may stubborn, and this attitude help me to achieve my goal.
Gaurav Jade, said Nov 9, 2012
Well, Sir I am too much optimistic and all my friends shouts on me that you come to class early and because of you we also have to come early.
Laxmi Saini, said Oct 28, 2012
I am intransigent, means I refuse to behave differently or to change my attitude to something without its complete analysis.
Harish, said Sep 26, 2012
First off all i don’t like that weakness word itself sir because, the word itself itself makes us weak, we never come out of that issue.
Saikumar.v.k, said Aug 26, 2012
I will do mistakes but throw that mistakes i learn alternative ideas and informations behind it.
Manasa, said Aug 4, 2012
Good Evening sir,
I am indecisive, that is,it takes time before i take desicion.
Nikhitha, said July 05,2012
Good Evening sir,
Well, I have been accused by coworkers of being too involved in my work. I usually come in a little early to organize my day and stay late to get a project done on time.
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