C Languages Interview Questions

17. What is the difference between getch() and getche()?
  • Both getch() and getche() are used to read single character there is very little difference.
  • Both functions accept a character input value from the user.
  • When getch() is used, the key that was pressed will not appear on the screen. It is automatically captured and assigned to a variable.
  • While when getche() is used, the key that was pressed by the user appears on the screen and is assigned to a variable.
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18. What are actual arguments?
  • When you create and use functions that need to perform an action on some given values, you need to pass these given values to that function.
  • The values that are being passed into the called functions are referred to as actual arguments.
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19. Is void pointer arithmetic a valid one?
  • Arithmetic operation on void pointer is not valid one. Void pointer is a generic pointer.
  • It is not referring int, char or any other data type specifically.
  • So, we need to cast void pointer to specific type before applying arithmetic operations.
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20. What is the difference between a and "a"?
  Where a is a character constant and "a" is a string.
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