C Language Interview Question and Answers
91. |
What is the difference between the functions memmove() and memcpy()? |
The arguments of memmove() can overlap in memory. The arguments of memcpy() cannot. |
92. |
what is a stream? |
A stream is a source of data or destination of data that may be associated with a disk or other I/O device. The source stream provides data to a program and it is known as input stream. The destination stream eceives the output from the program and is known as output stream. |
93. |
What is meant by file opening? |
The action of connecting a program to a file is called opening of a file. This requires creating an I/O stream before reading or writing the data. |
94. |
What is a file pointer? |
The pointer to a FILE data type is called as a stream pointer or a file pointer. A file pointer points to the block of information of the stream that had just been opened. |
95. |
What are the advantages of using array of pointers to string instead of an array of strings? |
Efficient use of memory. Easier to exchange the strings by moving their pointers while sorting. |