PHP Interview Question and Answers

46. Explain mysql_error().
  The mysql_error() message will tell us what was wrong with our query, similar to the message we would receive at the MySQL console.
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47. What types of MYSQL function available in PHP?
  Database Function Descriptions
1. mysql_connect() Opens a connection to a MySQL server.
2. mysql_pconnect() Opens a persistent connection.
3. mysql_selectdb() Selects the default database.
4. mysql_change_user() Changes the identity of the user logged on.
5. mysql_list_dbs Lists databases for this MySQL server.
6. mysql_list_tables Lists tables in the database.
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48. How to get no. of rows using MYSQL function?
  Database Function Descriptions
1. mysql_fetch_assoc() Returns one result row, as an associative array.
2. mysql_fetch_row() Returns one result row, as an array.
3. mysql_affected_rows() Returns number of rows affected by query.
4. mysql_num_rows() Returns number of rows selected.
5. mysql_list_dbs Lists databases for this MySQL server.
6. mysql_fetch_object() Returns a result row, as an object.
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49. Explain mysql_errno().
  Returns the numerical value of the error message from previous MySQL operation.
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50. What types of MYSQL function available for affecting columns
Array Descriptions
mysql_fetch_field() Gets column information from a result and returns as an object.
mysql_field_name() Gets the name of the specified field in a result.
mysql_list_fields() Sets result pointer to a specified field offset.
mysql_num_fields() Gets number of fields in a result.
mysql_field_seek() Sets result pointer to a specified field offset.
mysql_field_type() Gets the type of the specified field in a result.
mysql_field_len() Returns the length of the specified field.
mysql_field_table() Gets name of the table the specified field is in.
mysql_tablename() Gets table name of field.
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