PowerBuilder Interview Question and Answers

61. How do you stop the retrieval of the DW immediately?
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62. If the source for a DW is a stored procedure and this stored procedure has parameters, where do we have to pass these parameters?
  In the RETRIEVE().
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63. What is the BLOB data type?
  Unbound data type that stands for binary large object. Usually used to hold pictures in database, window’s wave sound file or MIDI music.
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64. Can you call batch SQL from your DataWindow?
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65. Explain the difference between SetTrans() and SetTransObject()?
  SetTransObject() works faster because it doesn’t perform Connect and Disconnect each time we call it. When we specify SetTrans() system Does all transaction Automatically. When we specify SetTransObject() we have to manage all Transaction by ourselves. When we use SetTrans( ) in a script, the DataWindow uses its internal transaction object and automatically connects and disconnects as needed; any errors that occur cause an automatic rollback. Use SetTrans() when we want PowerBuilder to manage the database connections automatically because we have a limited number of available connections or will be used the application from a remote location. SetTrans() is appropriate when we are only retrieving data and do not need to hold database locks on records the user is modifying. However, for better performance, we should use SetTransObject().
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