Numbers Puzzles

35. What number should replace the question mark?
123, 124, 126, 132, 133, 136, 142, 143, 147, ?
Add the first digit to arrive at the second number i.e. 123 + 1 = 124, then the second digit i.e. 124 + 2 = 126, then the third digit etc.
36. What number comes next?
482, 693, 714, 826, 937, ?
The numbers 48269371 are being repeated in the same sequence.
37. How many minutes is it before 12 noon if 20 minutes ago it was three times as many minutes after 9 am?
40 minutes, or 11.20 am.
38. What numbers should replace the question marks?
2 6 30  ?
3 5 11  ?
330 and 41
Multiply the two numbers of the previous pair together to obtain the top number, and add the same two numbers to get the bottom number. So, 30 × 11 = 330,
30 + 11 = 41.