PL/SQL Interview Question and Answers

37. Does Oracle maintain data integrity and concurrency for LOB dataypes?
  Yes, Oracle maintains data integrity and concurrency for internal LOBs (BLOBS and CLOBs) but not for BFILEs, which are external LOBs.
38. Is there a built in random number generator in Oracle?
  • Yes, there is a built in random number generator in the DBMS_RANDOM package.
39. In which situations exceptions are raised while using the UTL_TCP package?
    An exception is raised using the UTL_TCP package in the following situations:
  • The buffer size is too small for the input.
  • A network error occurs.
  • No more data is available to read from the connection.
  • Invalid arguments are passed to the function.
40. Which procedure of the DBMS_JOB package is used to disable the execution of a particular jobs?
  The DBMS_JOB.BROKEN procedure disables the execution of the specified job. This job will not be executed by the Oracle server.
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