Java Stream Question and Answers

9. What is the difference between a Java Bean and EJB?
  • The Java Bean is a software component that has been designed to be reusable in a variety of different environments.
  • Java Beans by themselves are simply a way of giving Java objects a portable interface.
  • This allows them to be manipulated with development tools as complete units and attached to other beans to make a complete application. Essentially, Java Beans are the nuts and bolts, and parts in the machine itself.
  • An Enterprise Java Bean (EJB), on the other hand, is a server-side application that communicates with remote clients to provide a given processing function.
  • By definition, EJBs are part of a client/server system. They normally do not function by themselves without any interaction from a client. An EJB itself might be made up of many individual Java Beans.
  • Still, the only reason that such an application would be called an EJB is because it provides a network function.
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10. What kind of security does EJB support?
    EJB supports three kinds of security
  • Authentication
  • Access control
  • Secure communication
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11. What are the different types of EJBS?
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12. What are the different types of Session Beans?
    There are two basic types of session beans
  • Stateful session bean
  • Stateless session bean
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