The keyword in Java is a special name used before a class or method or variable or statement in Java programs which specifies the nature or type of accessibility of that particular class, or method or variable. There are 48 reserved keywords currently defined in Java.
- abstract
- boolean
- break
- byte
- case
- catch
- char
- class
- const
- continue
- do
- double
- else
- extends
- final
- finally
- float
- for
- goto
- if
- implements
- import
- instanceof
- int
- interface
- long
- native
- new
- package
- private
- protected
- public
- return
- short
- static
- strictfp
- super
- switch
- synchronized<
- this
- throw
- throws
- transient
Error! Not a valid link
- void
- Error! Not a valid link.
- while