Oracle Installation and Unix Question

33. What is Optional Flexible Architecture (OFA)?
  The OFA standard is a set of configuration guidelines created to ensure fast and reliable Oracle databases that require little maintenance. It is designed to enable the following:
  • Organize large amounts of complicated software and data on disk, to avoid device bottlenecks and poor performance.
  • Facilitate routine administrative tasks, such as software and data backup, which are often vulnerable to data corruption.
  • Facilitate switching between multiple Oracle databases
  • Adequately manage and administer database growth.
  • Help eliminate fragmentation of free space in the data dictionary, isolate other fragmentation, and minimize resource contention.
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34. What is OERR?
  • OERR is a utility on the Unix platform.
  • it can be used to retrieve more information about an error message.
  • This utility cannot work on Windows because it needs awk command to function; however, some workarounds are available to use the utility on Windows.
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35. How can you go to a specific line of a file using the vi editor?
  The :<linenumber> command can be used to go to a specific line of a file using the vi editor.
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