Oracle Admin Interview Question and Answers

9. What is the difference between multithreaded/shared server and dedicated server?
  • In case of a dedicated server, a server process is associated with a single user process and serves it dedicatedly.
  • In case of a shared server, a single server process can serve multiple user processes. This is achieved with the help of a dispatcher process, which places each process in a single request queue.
  • Server process picks up the user process whenever it is free. After that, the server process puts the result in the individual response queue associated with different dispatcher processes.
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10. What is the difference between SPFILE and PFILE?
  • Oracle can use both SPFILE and PFILE as initialization parameter files.
  • SPFILE is a binary file while PFILE is a text file.
  • You can change the values in PFILE by directly editing it but those changes would not take effect until the restart of the database.
  • Whereas, you have to use Oracle statements to change the values in SPFILE and these changes can be incorporated dynamically in a running database.
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11. Name a tablespace, which is automatically created when you create a database?
  • The SYSTEM tablespace is created automatically during database creation.
  • It contains data dictionary objects.
  • All data stored on behalf of stored PL/SQL program units (procedures, functions, packages and triggers) resides in the SYSTEM tablespace, which is always online when the database is open.
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12. Which file is accessed when you start an Oracle database?
  • Initialization parameter file or SPFILE is always accessed first when an Oracle database is started.
  • This file is used to determine database level setting because those values are stored as parameters in this file.
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