Oracle Backup and Recovery Question

17. What is a backup piece?
  • Backup piece is a physical binary file created by RMAN during a backup. They are written to a backup medium, such as disk or tape.
  • Backup pieces contain blocks from the target database's datafiles, archived redo log files, and control files.
The following rules must be kept in mind while constructing a backup piece from datafiles:
  • A datafile cannot span backup sets
  • A datafile can span backup pieces as long as it stays within one backup set
  • Datafiles and control files can coexist in the same backup sets
  • Archived redo log files are never in the same backup set as datafiles or control files
  • RMAN is the only tool that can operate on backup pieces; therefore, you must use the RMAN tool if you need to restore a file from an RMAN backup.
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18. What is RMAN?
  RMAN is an Oracle supplied tool or utility that can be used to manage backup and recovery activities.
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19. Can you take offline backup with RMAN?
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20. Which files must be backed up?
  The following files must be backed up
  • Database files
  • Control files
  • Archived log files
  • Password files
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