Following are the components of the logical data model:- Entity – Refers to an object of interest, that is, something that we want to store information about. In a relational database structure, each entity has its own table, that is, a structure of rows and columns.
Attribute – Refers to the property or the information of the entity that we are interested in. It is stored as a column of the table and has specific data type associated with it.
- Record – Refers to a collection of all the properties associated with an entity for one specific condition. it is represented by a row in a table.
- Tuple – Refers to the design of a record.
Domain – Refers to the description of the legitimate values for an attribute. It is the set of all the possible values for that attribute.
Relation – Represents a relation between two entities. Therefore, a relation database is a collection of entities and relationships.
Relational database – Refers to a set of related entities, which is used to store required information as per the design.