Oracle Managing Director Question and Answers

21. Where is the instruction about control file stored?
  • Initialization parameter file or server parameter file stores the information about control file.
  • The name of the parameter to store control file information is CONTROL_FILES.
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22. At what stage of instance, startup information about control file is read (from parameter file)?
  Control file is required to mount the database; therefore the control file information should be available before mounting that is, at mount stage.
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23. How can you obtain the information about control file?
  You can obtain the information about control file form initialization parameter file. Alternatively, you can Query the V$CONTROLFILE and V$CONTROLFILE_RECORD_SECTION views to obtain information about control files.
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24. How can you find out which rows are chained?
  You can use the LIST CHAIND ROWS clause with the ANALYZE table to get the list of chained rows. You need a specific table to store the result of this statement.
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