Oracle Trouble Shooting Question and Answers

37. How can you detect block corruption?
  There are four methods for detecting block corruption, which are given as follows:
  • The ANALYZE_TABLE <table_name> VALIDATE STRUCTURE command
  • The Oracle DBVERIFY utility against the offline datafiles
  • The init.ora parameter DB_BLOCK_CHECKING, whihc checks data and index_blocks each time they are created or modified.
  • THE DBMS_REPAIR packages used against a table, index or partition.
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38. How do you collect statistics for a table, schema and database?
  You can use the dbms_stats package to collect table, schemad and database statistics.
The GATHER_TABLE_STATS procedure can be used to gather table statistics;
The GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS procedure can be used to gather schema statistics; and the GATHER_DATABASE_STATS procedure can be used to gather database statistics.
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