Quit India Movement Gk Questions and Answers

13. The last opportunity to avoid the partition of India was lost with the rejection of
  A.  Cripps Mission
  B.  Cabinet Mission
  C.  Rajagopachari Formula
  D.  Wavell Plan
Ans: B
Cabinet Mission
14. Which one of the following observations is not about the Quit India Movement of 1942?
  A.  It was led by Mahatma Gandhi
  B.  It was a non violent movement
  C.  It was a spontaneous movement
  D.  It was a non violent movement
Ans: D
It was a non violent movement
15. After the accession of the Princely states to the Indian union, which one of the following privileges was not granted to their rules?
  A.  Possession of palaces for residential purposes
  B.  Privy purses
  C.  Flying the National Flag on their buildings and vehicles
  D.  Exemption from appearing before a court
Ans: C
Flying the National Flag on their buildings and vehicles
16. In 1943, Muslim League ministers were installed in four provinces. Two of them were Sind and NWFP, which were the other two?
  A.  Punjab and Bengal
  B.  Assam and Punjab
  C.  Bengal and Uttar Pradesh
  D.  Bengal and Assam
Ans: B
Assam and Punjab
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