C Programming Question and Answers

45. What is the difference between the expression "++a" and "a++"?
  • With ++a, the increment happens first on variable a, and the resulting value is used. This is called as Prefix increment.
  • With a++, the current value of the variable will be used in an operation. This is called as postfix increment.
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46. What are the types of I/O statements available in C?
  There are two types of I/O statements available in C:
  • Formatted I/O Statements
  • Unformatted I/O Statements
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47. Do function prototypes get stored in executable file?
  • No. The compiler uses these functions prototypes at the time of compilation.
  • Therefore, once the program is compiled, they are not required.
  • Hence they are not stored in executable file.
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48. Define pre–processor?
  It is a program that processor the source code before it passes to the compiler.
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