Arithmatical - Stock and Shares
1. | Stock Capital : The total amount of money needed to run the company is called the stock capital. |
2. | Shares or Stock : The whole capital is divided into small units, called shares or stock. For each investment, the company issues a ‘share-certificate’, showing the value of each share and the number of shares held by a person. The person who subscribes in shares or stock is called a share holder or stock holder. |
3. | Dividend : The annual profit distributed among share holders is called dividend. Dividend is paid annually as per share or as a percentage. |
4. | Face Value : The value of a share or stock printed on the share-certificate is called its Face Value or Nominal Value or Par Value. |
5. | Market Value : The stock of different companies are sold and bought in the open market through brokers at stock-exchanges. A share or stock is said to be :
6. | Brokerage : The broker’s charge is called brokerage.. I). When stock is purchased, brokerage is added to the cost price. II). When stock is sold, brokerage is subtracted from the selling price. |