ASP.Net Interview Question and Answers

136. What is the top .NET class that everything is derived from?
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137. What is Marshalling?
    Marshaling is a process of making an object in one process (the server) available to another process (the client). There are two ways to achieve the marshalling.
  • Marshal by value
  • Marshal by reference.
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138. What is a Static class?
  Static class is a class which can be used or accessed without creating an instance of the class.
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139. What is sealed class
  • Sealed classes are those classes which can not be inherited and thus any sealed class member can not be derived in any other class.
  • A sealed class cannot also be an abstract class.
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140. What are the components of web form in ASP.NET?
  • Server controls
  • HTML controls
  • Data controls
  • System components.
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