ASP.Net Interview Question and Answers

141. How do you turn off cookies for one page in your site?
  Use the Cookie. Discard Property which Gets or sets the discard flag set by the server. When true, this property instructs the client application not to save the Cookie on the users hard disk when a session ends.
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142. What does assert () do?
  In debug compilation, assert takes in a Boolean condition as a parameter, and shows the error dialog if the condition is false. The program proceeds without any interruption if the condition is true.
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143. What is cookie less session? How it works?
  By default, ASP.NET will store the session state in the same process that processes the request, just as ASP does. If cookies are not available, a session can be tracked by adding a session identifier to the URL.
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144. What is the difference between Compiler and Interpreter?
A compiler is a program that translates program (called source code) written in some high level language into object code.A compiler translates high-level instructions directly into machine language and this process is called compiling.
An interpreter translates high-level instructions into an intermediate form, which it then executes. Interpreter analyzes and executes each line of source code in succession, without looking at the entire program; the advantage of interpreters is that they can execute a program immediately.
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145. Where is View State information stored?
  In HTML Hidden Fields.
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